The story of Lightbox Films goes pretty much like, 12 years ago 2 friends went either ends of the bridge, they met again and decided that after suckling the world of advertising from various angles it was going back to their first love, FILMS!

The intent is simple! Not to fill our mantelpiece with statues, but create work that makes a difference to the brand and business.

From concept writing to creation, from commercials to digital, from shorts to docus, the focus, is how the video can motivate the end consumer and change a brand discourse.

Imran Khan

From starting as a production executive at an illustrious production house to the head of an advertising agency of repute, the journey in the communications business has been holistic. Believes in identifying what in Hindi is referred as the 'The Dukhti Rag' of all stakeholders and most importantly the brand.

Junaid Herekar

One of the leading line producers on the Mumbai production scene, Junaid has spent 12 years in the production business as a freelance producer working with various ad film production companies in Mumbai. Besides working with local companies he has represented foreign ad film directors from across the globe. He's also an On-call-home-chef and an avid traveller.